At Willowbank Farm we are famous for our friendly animals.
The Animal Paddock
Come on in and experience the farm animals first hand. Meet some of our animals. The miniature donkeys love their necks scratched. New goat additions Penelope and Eloise and looking forward to meeting you. We also have Turkeys, ducklings, goslings and chickens and our bunny family is growing, imagine that! Our animal friends change all the time so each visit is a new experience.
The Rest of the Animals
We also have a number of other animals on the farm for you to visit from across the fence.
The horses, goats and pigs love to come over for an apple core and the cows will moo as you head up towards the apple orchard.
The farm dogs Woody, Harvey, Luka, Louis and Harley love to be petted. And the English Setters -Kate & William (Willowbank’s own royal couple) are always nearby.
Usually laying around or soaking up the sun are the farm cats Milo and Scrappy.
The little piggies are at the farm – so make sure to save your apple cores to feed the pigs. They always love a treat.
We love animals at Willowbank Farm, however if you bring yours along, please make sure they are on a leash. Pets are not permitted in the Animal Paddock. *Activity Bracelet Required